Latest Episodes

Sitting down with Provost Kopp
Jack and Provost Dr. Sacha Kopp discuss writing from the Provost's college days to the future of Gonzaga writers.

A chat with Thayne McCulloh
Jack the tutor sits down with the President of Gonzaga to discuss his writing strategies, the keys to a graduation address and the rhetorical...

"We're here to help!" - Alissa Lucas talks on ways the the library is the place to go for all things writing

"As an AI based language model..." - Dr. Chase Bollig talks on how writing and tutoring with AI can work

"Business and Writing collaboration!" - Cathy DeHart breaks down the connection and tools for writing in business

"Gonzaga's Writing Core" - Dr. Ann Ciasullo talks on the ins and outs of the writing process and tutoring